Payment Method and Payment schedule
Total cost for the program is $3,495.00 with $500.00 due at registration. The remainder is due before the student begins training. Students will not be allowed to begin training until all financial obligations are met. The total cost includes all instruction, textbooks, administration and usage fees.Any holder of this consumer credit contrat is subject to all claims and defenses which the debtor could assert against the seller of goods or service obtained pursuant hereto or with the proceeds hereof. Recovery hereunder by the debtor shall not exceed the amounts paid by the debtor hereunder.
Applicants may pay their registration by cash, credit card, debit card, personal check, cashier’s check. Once accepted students may choose to pay the remaining portion of their tuition and fees by cash, personal check, credit card or debit card. Interest rates and repayment schedules on credit cards will be established by the lender.New Leaf Hypnosis Training and Cervice exercises no control over and is in no way connected with any lender or credit card company.
Refund Policy:
Your $500 is a nonrefundable deposit. Should you need to cancel attendance in the course prior to its start, you will only be refunded your deposit. There are no refunds once course begins. Should you encounter an emergency and be unable to complete this training once you have begun the training, you will receive a $500 credit toward repeating the 100-Hr course if you attend the course the next time it is offered. Participation must begin again at Lesson 1 regardless of when the cancellation has occurred.
Refund Policy for Participants Called to Active Military Service
A participant who withdraws from the school as a result of the participant being called to active duty in a military service of the United States or the Washington National Guard may elect one of the following options for each program in which the participante is enrolled:
- If tuitions and fees are collected in advance of teh withdrawal, a prorated refund of any tuition, fees, or other charges paid by the student for the program and a cancellation of any unpaid tuition,, fees or other charges owed by the student for the portion of the program the student does not complete following withdrawal;
- A grade of incomplete with the designation “withdrawn-military” for the courses in the program, other than course fot which the participant has previously received a grade on the participants’ transcript, and the right to re-entoll in the program, or substantially equivalent program if that program is no longer available not later than first anniversary of the date the participant is discharged from active military duty without payment if additional tuition, fees, or other charges for the program other than any previously unpaid balance or the original tuition, fees, and charges for books for the program; or
- The assignment of an appropriate final grade or credit for the courses in the program, but only if the instructor of instructor of the program determine that the student has:
- Satisfactorily completed at lease 90 percent of teh required ourse work for the program; and
- Demonstrated sufficient mastery of the program material to receive credit for complete the program.
- The payment of refund will be totally completed such that the refund instrument has been negotiated or credited into the proper account(s) within 60 days after the effective date of termination.
Termination Policy:
A participant may be terminated from participation in the course for (1) behavior creating a safety hazard, disruptive or disrespectful behavior; or (2) not maintaining an acceptable attendance record, academic or practical skill level, or (3) failure to pay tuition; or (4) any other inappropriate and unprofessional action or behavior at the sole discretion of the Instructors at New Leaf Hypnosis Training and Service. (“Instructors”). New Leaf Hypnosis Trainin and Service reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at the sole discretion of its Board of Directors or Instructors. If a student is terminated, the above stated refund policy applies.
Photo/Video/Audio Consent:
The undersigned Student hereby grants New Leaf Hypnosis Training and Service, its representatives and employees permission to use Student’s likeness, including but not limited to Student’s image or voice, in photographs, video, audio, or other digital media (the “Media”) in connection with the Course. Student agrees that any Media using Student’s likeness shall be the property of New Leaf Hypnosis Training and Service. Student hereby irrevocably authorizes New Leaf Hypnosis Training and Service, its assigns and transferees to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute Media for any legal purpose, including but not limited to fundraising, advertising, and publicity. The Applicant waives the right to inspect or approve the finished product, including physical or electronic copy, wherein the Applicant’s likeness appears. The Applicant waives all claims to compensation or damages based on the use of the Applicant’s likeness by New Leaf Hypnosis Training and Service.
Student’s Confidentiality and Bill of Rights:
Certain information is required by law and this is for your protection:
The Instructor shall handle personal information of Student responsibly. To protect Student, at the Instructor’s discretion, if Instructor has concerns about Student’s suitability as a hypnotist or learns of any condition that may affect Student’s safety, practice, learning or future in the hypnosis profession, Instructor may arrange to talk to Student privately. The Instructor shall not disclose the information discussed unless otherwise authorized by Student. If any situation arises where Instructor feels a private conversation is needed, Instructor shall make arrangements with Student as soon as practicable.
This is your students by law unless:
- You have given written consent stating otherwise.
- You confess of a major crime or felony. (No one can make you divulge secrets under hypnosis.)
- You are a minor, and there is physical evidence of abuse.
- There is a subpoena for the court relating to this session.
Or if there were charges brought against me for unprofessional conduct as described in the Washington State Uniform Disciplinary Code.
No Rights to Publish or Disseminate Course Materials:
All course materials, and rights thereto, shall remain solely the property of their original authors and/or owners. Student expressly agrees not to copy, publish, distribute, or share course materials in any manner including but not limited to any digital, online, paper, photocopy, photograph or any other method without the express permission of the original authors and/or owners.
Student Agreement:
Student has read and agrees to the following: I have read this application form and fully understand the conditions and terms of this Agreement and the obligations the parties under this Agreement. I agree that I am solely responsible for successfully completing all course requirements for certification. I understand that this consent is perpetual, irrevocable, and binding on my heirs and assigns.I understand that Instructor shall teach hypnosis classes in a professional manner. I further understand that at the Instructor’s sole discretion, the Instructor may use teaching methods and techniques, including but not limited to sharing stories of hypnosis occurrences, that may be offensive to some students but are important to the learning process of the Course. I further understand and agree that this Course and my designation as a Certified Hypnotist, Certified Consulting Hypnotist or Certified Hypnotherapist does not guarantee any employment or income and that I am solely responsible for the establishment and building of my hypnotism practice and business. I further agree and stipulate that I will conduct all of my practice and activities of hypnotism in conformance with the National Guild of Hypnotists’ Code of Ethics and the National Guild of Hypnotists’ Standards for Hypnotic Practice. I will not use hypnosis techniques to attempt to solve a problem when my common sense tells me it’s inappropriate.