Yes! It is True! You can Stop Smoking With Hypnosis Even When Nothing Else Has Worked!
We help people stop smoking for good with hypnosis in as little as 3 sessions without gaining weight.
Hypnosis helps you stop smoking for good easier than ever before. It will bring you freedom and peace of mind again.
We help people stop using all types of tobacco products, including patches, chew, pouches, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, e-cigs, and marijuana.
So if you've tried stopping in the past without success, hypnosis may be exactly what you need to stop for good and get the freedom and enjoyment you want out of life by being a non-smoker.
We've helped hundreds of people stop smoking - get the results you want now by signing up for a free consultation to get started. No obligation, consultations offered daily.
There Are So Many Reasons To Stop Smoking For Good!
- Feel in control again – no more feeling the constant urge to smoke
- Save money - ( or spend money on things you really want )
- Reduce stress – not worrying anymore about trying or wanting to stop smoking
- Smell fresh and clean – no more cigarette or smoking smell or mess
- Reduce concern from friends, family, and health care providers – no more discussions or looks of concern from friends and family or your doctor
- Spend more time with grandkids and other people you love – have you had someone say they don’t want you to spend as much time with them or their family because you smoke? This is common – grandparents not spending as much time with grand-kids because of the smell, mess, or simply because they can’t keep up with the kids because of lower health function
- Do more of the things you love again – putting your time and energy into things you love instead of the cost and inconvenience of continuing to smoke
- Feel the freedom of being a non-smoker – FEELING good inside about yourself, your relationships, and your life. The lightness and peace that comes with being a non-smoker
- Feel the freedom of being a non-smoker – FEELING good inside about yourself, your relationships, and your life. The lightness and peace that comes with being a non-smoker
Along with stopping smoking, most clients see improvements in other areas of their lives when they quit smoking because our hypnosis process replaces the smoking habit with different healthy behaviors and habits
Why My Hypnosis Makes It Far Easier to Overcome Emotional Overeating (and lose Weight) For Good
Hypnotic suggestion is the easiest and in many cases the only way to stop smoking. It is completely safe and medically approved.
Most smoking cessation programs focus on getting results thru pure will power.
Your conscious mind and willpower is relatively weak. It changes continuously. It creates many excuses why you should not stop. It says to you, 'you've been smoking too long to stop, you deserve at least a small pleasure, you don't really smoke so much, you'll gain weight if you stop, you can cut down instead, you can switch to filter tips instead...' so on and so on.
This explains why make thru stop smoking will power is seldom stick.
In order for you to stop smoking, you must tap the great power of your subconscious mind. You must convince it that you no longer smoke. You must convince it that you no longer smoke. Stopping is good for you, etc... These changes need to be made at the subconscious level of the mind where emotions and habits reside.
That’s why we use a proven two-prong stop smoking approach. That leads to rapid, lasting changes, healthy lifestyle.
FIRST: We use advanced hypnosis techniques to address, and help you modify, habitual smoking patterns that lead to unhealthy lifestyle to healthy one.
SECOND: Thru hypnosis, we help you uncover — and transform — your subconscious, hidden emotional root causes and neutralize
That's why our Hypnosis weight loss program Can Help You Succeed... When Nothing Else Has Worked
- Even if - You've tried EVERYTHING to get rid or your smoking habit, cold-turkey, patches pills & gums, etc... yet, still struggle.
- Even if - you often find yourself smoking ritually
- Even if - you regularly smoke to distract from feelings
- Even if - You feel powerless over certain situations and letting the cigarette "escapism" or "guilty pleasures"
- Even if - You don't see a light at the end of the tunnel in overcoming your smoking issue for good
- Even if - You've been smoking long time
- Even if - You've actually be able to quit some periods of time before(maybe several times) but you smoked again and now it's more harder to quit than before
That's why our Hypnosis weight loss program Can Help You Succeed... When Nothing Else Has Worked
It doesn’t make sense to trade in one unhealthy habit for another, and we understand concerns that people have about gaining weight when the stop smoking. Our program is specifically designed to get at the root problem, and change unhealthy habits to healthy ones so you stop smoking without any weight gain.
Our approach at New Leaf Hypnosis Center to stopping smoking is based on the most important aspect of any hypnosis session – YOU!
We customize stop smoking programs based on your unique issues surrounding the techniques of quitting smoking, including looking carefully at :
- your work and stress level
- your daily habits
- your emotional health
- any distracting behaviors
- stress and other issues contributing to your overall well being
Contact us today — To Start Losing Weight With Hypnosis Right Away
During our visit we’ll discuss your important reasons for wanting to lose weight now. And answer all your questions. About how using hypnosis for weight loss can help you naturally reach your body’s perfect weight.
All of our sessions are confidential, one-on-one, and individualized for your unique situation.
With most clients feeling more confident & motivated after the first session.
Need to talk with someone before you book? Call: 253-617-4818
Talk Soon,
Rena Barker
Consulting Hypnotherapist for Emotional Overeaters
P.S. My daily Free Consultation Spots Fill Up Fast. The sooner you book online the more convenient scheduling options you have.
Yes! Hypnosis can help transform your subconscious, root causes of your smoking habit. It's completely safe, medically approved, and the most effective process. Quit smoking for good so you can take your life back.
Is Hypnosis is right for you?
Or Call Us Today at 253-617-4818
After working with her, I have not had the urge to smoke at all!
I went to New Leaf Hypnosis and met Rene who helped me with my smoking addiction. Smoking was a filthy, costly and detrimental to my health habit and I really wanted and needed to quit. The session with Rene was very relaxing and opened up my thoughts regarding me becoming smoke-free. I learned how to be better in calming myself, relaxing and being in control of myself. I have not had the urge to smoke at all. Rene did a fantastic job in helping me and I owe her for it.
~ Roy, WA ~

I am a Non - Smoker only one session!
I had smoked for more than 20 years and in 1 session with Ms. Barker, I can call myself a non-smoker. Time for doing the things I want to do is in abundance, I don't need to stop and fulfill my craving because it is gone! no irritability I wish I had done this years ago. My outlook is more positive knowing my life is in my hands now and not going up in smoke!
~Tacoma, WA~

I'm a non-smoker, re-gain my passion back again!
Hi Beautiful, sweet Rena,
I for the 1st time have a moment to share with you. I've thought of you and our session so many times. You are very gifted and very special to me. I have been faithful to myself and have not smoked, when I arrived home, I threw any remaining cigarettes in the trash can. Removed smoking ashtrays, ashes, butts, etc., I have felt so many toxins and poisons being expelled from my body; I drink at least a gallon of water a day. Oddly enough not my husband nor my daughter, not even the haven noticed that I am a Non-Smoker....even for 24 hrs. sat at the card table with my husband, Mike and played card for over 24hrs. and he didn't notice, it was hard to believe, not very noticeable. I've not talked about it, because I wanted to see just how long it takes them to realize this.
Gardening is a Passion of mine. Now that I'm a non-smoker, I have more time to garden and create more beauty around me. I choose my area of Mother Earth to work; I envision in my minds eye how I will create my landscape of beauty, the different colors, shapes, sizes of plants I will use and the mulch. I must work the earth over and over with my shovel and claw, removing any unwanted rocks, twigs, weeds, cultivating a soil which is ideally arriated, free of debris. This takes hours and days, you want your plants to thrive after planting them. For me it is important to use a variety of plants which creates a contrast and also complementing each other. You must be mindful to allow adequate space for growth, water, mulch, sunshine. You must mulch each plant immediately after planting. This helps to stabilize the amount of water, moisture, and acts as a bug & weed deterrent as well showing off the plants, you've provided a graceful bed in which they will thrive in their own beauty. Especially in the Spring with ideal conditions, one must nurture their landscapes/flowerbeds day after day, pruning for new weeds sprouting up, etc.This is a labor of love as it all becomes a showcase of your creations.
My husband says Andy still is a Non-Smoker!!! I gave in and told husband that I am a Non-Smoker as well....He is so Happy!!!
~Sherrie, WA ~

TMJ and Sleep Problems are Gone!
I came to hypnosis to deal with falling-to-sleep issues, teeth grinding and hope for a more motivated life. I wanted to focus on the sleep/grinding issues without medication or a mouth guard. Motivation was a "while I'm here..." afterthought.
After each appointment I felt relaxed, I slept better and the tension in my jaw was greatly reduced. I found that little things that used to annoy me were easier to brush off. I have improved self-acceptance and am motivated in ways I did not anticipate---Sure I am more driven to go to the gym, but also improvements to my home, cooking, relationships and at work.
I continue to use the tools I learned in each session. I sleep better and I am very impressed with the success I am seeing in my everyday life. I recommend Rena at New Leaf Hypnosis Center.
~ Gig Harbor, WA ~

Hypnosis worked multitude of things I wanted to better!
First off Rena is AMAZING. I came to her with a multitude of things I wanted to better myself for. Some I do not feel comfortable sharing online as they are too personal. Others are as simple (in my opinion) as nail-biting, drinking more water, and weight loss. I was really amazed at how much she was able to accomplish during each session, and also how quickly my conscious and subconscious was able to make and keep the changes I was looking to make. It was truly an incredible journey for me. And with the tools she gives you, I love that I am able to still better myself and be the best version of me that I want to be. I would recommend New Leaf Hypnosis Center to anyone looking to better themselves.

It's Easy to Contact Us & Schedule
New Leaf Hypnosis Center
2801 Hollycroft St, Suite B
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
PHONE: 253-336-4469
It's Easy to Come to Our Center
Because of the rapid life changes we help people make, clients come to our Gig Harbor offices from:
Tacoma / University Place, Lakewood, Spanaway, Federal way, Fife, Auburn, Covington, Renton, Bremerton, Seattle, Kent, Des Moines, Puyallup / South Hill, Graham, Bonney Lake, Sumner, Dupont, Olympia
© 2023 New Leaf Hypnosis Center.LLC. All rights reserved.